Authors: Dr. A.Abdul Jameel and Dr. M.Syed Ali Padusha
ISBN: 978-81-932843-3-9
Published Year: 2017
About the Book
While searching the syllabi for the spectral aspects of Inorganic compounds and metal complexes, we come across some important chapters in chemistry in almost all Universities in India and abroad. Laser Raman spectroscopy, Supramolecular chemistry, Nanochemistry and Sonochemistry are found either as separate papers or as chapters in a paper in B.Sc., M.Sc. and M.Phil. syllabi. So we thought of including these chapters along with the inorganic aspects of spectroscopy like Nuclear Quadrupole spectroscopy, ORD and CD of Inorganic compounds, Mass spectra of inorganic compounds and Photoelectron spectroscopy.
The limited knowledge of Laser chemistry and Raman spectroscopy leads to the less understanding of Laser Raman spectroscopy. Hence chapters on Laser chemistry and Fundamentals of Raman spectroscopy are included in this book. These chapters were once considered as specialization in chemistry but due to advancement in chemistry, they find place in the regular curriculum.
The book is written in a simple language with more advanced and latest informations. Diagrams and tables are given for the better understanding of the subject matter. The book provides a comprehensive and indepth coverage of the subject. There is a shortage of suitable text books for these chapters and this book may fill the gap and will mostly be useful to all the B.Sc. and M.Sc. students and M.Phil. Scholars globally.
This book is an outcome of very long teaching and research experience of the authors in the field of Inorganic chemistry. Apart from the subject study, this book may also be used for writing the competitive examinations like UGC–NET, Civil Services Examination and so on. This book is also useful for the interdisciplinary students studying physics and biological sciences.
Care has been taken to eliminate the errors to the maximum extent. The omisions and corrections, if any, may be brought to the notice of the authors so that they may be used for the improvement of the text book. The suggestions and constructive criticism are most welcome.